Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details 
Name  |   Natalie Shabtai
Date of Birth  |   February 3rd, 1984
Mobile  |   +(972)-52-2812050

Computer Skills  |   Excellent Skills in: Microsoft Office (word, PPT, Excel, Outlook); Rhinoceros;
                                  Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Lightroom 3; Illustrator

Languages  |   Fluent in Hebrew; Very good English and French (reading, writing and verbal)

Education  |
1999-2002  |   Rene Cassin high school  |  Jerusalem                        
   Major in film and literature. Full matriculation exams
2007-Present  |   Shenkar College of Engineering and Design  |  Ramat Gan
                         Jewelry design department, 4th year student, graduating 2012.
As part of the academic training process the following skills were acquired: Work with numerous                                        and various materials; Work with varied technological designing tools; encompassing classical and contemporary design techniques; working within industrial manufacturing constraints while exercising time management.

Experience  |
2010 – Present  |   Freelance  |   Private Jewelry Designer
                              Designing personal items by request for private customers

2010  |   Sales person in a designer’s boutique
              Acquiring subsequent knowledge in fashion and design; working with suppliers, designers and customers  

2009-2010  |   mentoring program on a weekly basis for disadvantaged people

2006 - Present  |   Student employment: Hosting (Mahneyuda Restaurant); Waitressing; Manufacturer in Intel Co.
                              Interfacing with clients on a regular basis; work under pressure; team work; time management;                                                                 
                             fast learner

Military Service  |
2002-2004  |   commander in the Field Intelligence Unit on the Israeli- Lebanese border.
                       Responsibility; managing skills; operational capabilities; work under pressure; coordination abilities.   

Recognitions  |
2009  |  Dean's list excellence reward
2008  |  First prize in a designing challenge within the framework of an “industrial design-hearts” course.
             The challenge required one to incorporate creative designing skills together with fulfilling external
             clients’ (Yam Co.) demands.
2003  |  Outstanding soldier in a Field Intelligence commanders course.

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